While preparing some 200 non-domain-registered Windows 7 systems as POS systems, we came across a couple of dead BIOS batteries. Time on these machines would start 1-1-2009 every time and while you could forcibly setup the correct time by pushing a couple of buttons inside of Windows, the question arose if it would be possible to correct time automatically. Well, turns out: it is.
The Internet is full of advice about how to proceed. Write a batch file, run w32time with a couple of well thought parameters, run w32time from the task scheduler – and so on. I even thought of this myself: when you know your systems start at 2009-01-01 00:00, it’s easy to schedule a couple of tasks for 2009-01-01 00:01, :02, :03 etcetera to correct the time with the w32time utility.
However, this felt wrong and luckily, there is a far better solution.
The first thing you should know is, that the w32time service does not start when a Windows 7 system isn’t part of a domain. That’s by design and it’s explained in kb2385818. Fixing this seems to require two commands: the first one disables the trigger to disable w32time for non-domain-registered systems; the second one enables a trigger to start w32time whenever the network becomes active:
sc triggerinfo w32time delete
sc triggerinfo w32time start/networkon stop/networkoff
The article seems to erroneously state that the first command will activate w32time to start automatically, but as far as my experience counts, it won’t.
Then there is a second issue, where w32time will not take large jumps when a W7 system isn’t domain controlled. This information comes from another Microsoft article, from Technet this time: cc773263 (I’m not sure, are Technet articles referred to by their number, as KB articles are? So is this Technet 773263?)
Here you can find the
registry setting. It’s 15 hours for non domain controlled machines – and “infinite” (0xffffffff) for domain controlled hosts.
So set this to 0xffffffff and you’re set.