Snap is broken

It sounds cool: having a single package format that is “easy to install, secure, cross-platform and dependency-free”. Because it is hard to maintain all these different versions for all those distributions and platforms. Unfortunately, Snap is not a solution. It is yet another problem for the Linux desktop.

Over Alternatieven

Tomatenketchup bestaat uit tomaten, azijn, suiker, zout en wat smaakmiddelen. Cloud Computing bestaat uit computers, opslag, software en de API. Ik las de Amsterdamse Raadsinformatiebrief Tussenrapportage Digitaal Onafhankelijk en ik zag een parallel.


While recently getting a rather large mail archive to search through, in PST-format (obviously) some of the mail boxes contained e-mails that had “rtf-body.rtf” for body text. Yeah, Microsoft really likes Linux.

Automatically convert .msg → .eml

Too many folks these days rely on some sort of Cloud hosted e-mail through one of the Big Five. Mail files are thus no longer .eml files, but .msg – a Microsoft Outlook proprietary format. Irony has it, that you will share your mail with 766 (or so) external partners by using Outlook – but…

Ǫnjuisŧ geşpəłd

NRC Handelsblad, de zelfbenoemde kwaliteitskrant van Nederland, spelt “om redenen van consistentie en kwaliteit”, buitenlandse namen verkeerd. Kan de kwaliteit niet op een andere manier hooggehouden worden?

HomeAssistant network MTU

I’m running HomeAssistant on a virtual PC, HAOS and all, but I’m using a tunnel that doesn’t have a 1500 bytes ethernet MTU. How to change the MTU?